Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

It finally got here! I know Christmas always flys by, but WOW the last four days were incredible. We left Monday morning when I got home from work to go to Great Wolf Lodge. Santa came early to our house just to bring the kids two nights there. We had a really good time, but left exhausted on Christmas Eve just in time to get home and cook to go to Grandpa & Grandma Corbin's house to celebrate Christmas. Then we celebrated at home Christmas morning and then in the afternoon at Dalens' mom's with family. It was all wonderful and think the kids had a great time, while remembering the real reason we celebrate Christmas at all. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus several times each day (Thank you Clare-bear), and Corbin said the most wonderful prayer at Grandma Froggy's dinner (Dalen's mom).
Now it's all over and here I am at work again (blah). We have a HUGE mess at home to clean up & gained at least five pounds but made hundreds of memories that will hopefully stick with us for years and years to come. That makes the best Christmas ever!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa's Big Gift

Well, the kids just opened their card from Santa saying we are leaving for Great Wolf Lodge as soon as we are packed and ready. YEAH!!! We are all so excited and could use a good 3 day break away from home. I have to admit that I am being mean and making them fold laundry and empty the little trashes before we go. : ) I better go get packing or I am going to get mauled by the 4 foot and under brat pack!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trying this out

Well, due to Dan & Shannon I have been inspired to try this. We will see how long I last at it. I should be okay until school starts again. Who knows, it might make a nice break from studying.
Christmas is just around the corner and I can't wait. I am not ready by any stretch, but I am so excited for the kids. It's always so much fun to watch them. I pray everyone has a safe, healthy, blessed Christmas time.