Saturday, May 2, 2009

Long time-No see!

With school winding down I have actually had free time this week! What is that like, right? I can't believe pinning is in 12 days (nurses are weird and call their graduation "pinning"-Dalen thought wrestling would be involved!). Dalen is currently in Missouri somewhere on a 5 day golf trip with 5 or so other men. It has been a nice time of rest with just me and the kids. We have done some baking, cleaning, hanging out, being lazy, movie watching, and catching-up with each other. The timing was perfect. I have felt so disconnected from everyone for so long. Hopefully this will give them (and me) the sense that MOM is BACK!
Haylie is graduating this year from 8th grade at CMS. She is excited. She made the cheerleading squad at the high school and is SOOOO excited. She has already started fund raising for summer cheer camp so if your door bell rings.....
Corbin is playing baseball now and finishing up 2nd grade. He is just happy to be alive. Sometimes I wish I had his carefree attitude. Everything slides right off his back (or over his head). This year he has become interested in history. He is very interested in Italy for some reason and tells us all sorts of things we didn't know. He also likes studying past presidents. It's strange to Dalen & I since neither of us is very studious about history (we enjoy science). He is teaching all of us a lot.
Zander is...well...Zander. He is so ornery! He is playing soccer and T-ball. You would think he'd get tired, right? Nope. just us...from driving. And Clare is still Clare, changing earrings and nail colors everyday. She actually asks to have her straightened everyday now too.
We all love our church in Benton! We have made so many new good friends. Dalen & I are almost done teaching a series to the couples class. This summer I think we are going to host an Alpha Class at our home on Sunday nights. We aren't real sure what that is but Pastor Rob asked and we prayed about it and so...that is what is happening. Then in the fall we have plans to co-lead the full-length Crown class. We are really excited about that. It is so nice to have time to spend on things that really matter again. : ) Hopefully I will be updating more often then 3 months now.

1 comment:

  1. What a great catch-up on your family - thanks! Katey told me about Haylie - she was so excited for her, and all her 8th graders! Glad you are enjoying Benton, I am SURE they are enjoying you!
