Saturday, January 3, 2009

Big Changes

We rung in the new year with Ang & Shawn and some of our friends from town with a little party at our house. We played games and guitar hero. I finally found something Dalen can't beat me at. He stinks at Guitar Hero! We all had a really good time. The kids were still wound up even after midnight.
The kids are getting ready to go back to school on Monday, making sure I buy what they want to pack in their lunches, and making sure their new clothes are clean to make the good after Christmas impression. Dalen isn't so ready to go back to work!
Well, I was all prepared to relax the next two weeks before my school starts again, with Dalen going back to work and the kids going back to school, but of course that isn't at all how it's going to be. I have been given the opportunity to work for Galichia Heart Hospital. The transition starts on Jan 12th but my last day at my current job isn't until Jan 16th so I am working two jobs the week before I start school!
I am excited for the change but a little apprehensive. I am scared that changing jobs before I am done with school will be too much. I will have less hours for almost the same money, and NO WEEKENDS!!! I will even have benefits like a real grown-up! : )
I will make sure I let you all know how it goes the next couple of weeks. I'm sure there will be plenty of ups and downs to share.
Hope you all had a great Christmas Time and New Years with your families and have a happy and healthy 2009!


  1. Oh my...I hadn't thought of the downside of working at Galichia...a grown up job. Scary. I am so proud of you! Hopefully, I will be joining you soon. I am really thrilled that you were finally able to tell your current job "buh-bye". AWESOME!!! Even though you will be crazy for a week or two there (lol, that's funny) will be so worth it. And you get to start prior to school starting so you can get that first week under your belt before adding something new.

  2. Congratulations on the new job opportunity! You will do fabulous. I will keep you in my prayers...especially for the next few weeks! LOL
