Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Orientation at Galichia is in full swing. It is rather boring so far (it's been all videos and paperwork). I left home on Monday morning at 5:10 and have only had pitstops since then. I will be home Wednesday night at 6 and plan on sleeping a good long time (till 5:30 Thursday morning). I miss the kids so much! I get to talk to Dalen here & there but the kids aren't going to remember me.
Galichia seems really nice so far. The people have been really helpful and friendly. Every job has a down side or an annoying co-worker so I am kinda waiting for that ax to fall. Whatever happens I am ready for this week to be over, school to start and end, graduate in May, pass my boards, and work like a normal person. June can't get here fast enough!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there WILL get better. The "no routine" thing just doesn't work well for us does it? I'm still praying that God will settle you in to a perfect fit at Galacia!
